For some teenagers, summer is a time to sleep in, kick back and enjoy. But for others, it’s all about money – a good time to earn and stow away cash for whatever is dearest to their hearts.
Summer jobs that are social and flexible are clearly the most popular. High school counselors suggest top possibilities ambitious teens should look into:
Camp counselor – Residential summer camps frequently want counselors with counselor-in-training (CIT) experience. But day camps, whether private or sponsored by churches, schools, or other local organizations, offer plenty of opportunity for responsible teens who can be good role models for children. Check early with camp sponsors for the best chance to snag a position.
Lifeguard – Proficient swimmers who are at least 15 years old can become certified lifeguards by completing a 37-hour training course including CPR, first aid, use of rescue equipment, and more. Passing written and swimming tests may also be required, but once certified, summer lifeguarding can be fun and lucrative for years.
Starting a service business – Entrepreneurial teens who can provide babysitting, lawn care, cleaning, car washing or other needed services, such as computer instruction or tutoring, may want to start a business that could continue long past the summer months. They can get a start by advertising their services at senior center, church and community bulletin boards or in free community newspapers.
Concert and event venues – It takes a lot of people to usher, sell snacks, provide security, and man the parking lots at the many summer event venues available in most communities. Apply early for the best chance of being hired.
Food services – Teens who like interacting with people can choose from cashier, host/hostess, server, bus girl, dish washer, and prep cook positions. Food industry jobs often open up in summer as restaurants seek to staff expanded outdoor dining.
Movie theaters – Indoors or at summer drive-ins, teens can enjoy free movies, free popcorn, and socializing by working at a movie theater in concessions, tickets sales, or cleaning.
Business internship – While many internships are unpaid, some do offer a stipend – and teens can gain invaluable experience to support their professional futures by pursuing a summer internship in a career field of their choice.