Buyers and sellers seldom view themselves as being in competition with other buyers and sellers. The common myth of "one buyer" could not be further from reality. The reality is that buyers are in competition with other buyers for the right to do business with some seller or sellers and conversely, sellers are in competition with other sellers for the right to do business with some buyer or buyers.
From my experience, “best buyers” generally connect with “best sellers”. The simplicity of this transcends to a very simple mission for real estate licensees and that is to facilitate the connection between “best buyers” and “best sellers”.
“Best sellers” are those sellers who position their property on the market so it is the “best of category”. They understand that buyers look at the available choices, compare one to another and in the final analysis purchase the property that provides them the best value of all the properties that fit their needs. By reviewing the properties that are competing with them, it should become clear to the seller that they must position their property on the market relative to their competition and price becomes “king”. If they are competing with eight other sellers for a “best buyer”, they must know that the best priced property in the group will sell before the others. Buyers always buy the best value not the worst. So, positioning their property on the market relative to their competition is critical.
“Best buyers” are those buyers who will buy soon through their real estate professional. In order to be a best buyer, they must be pre-approved for a loan, have the authority to buy and be motivated. If they meet these requirements then they must understand the importance of being competitive and understand why, and be willing to make compromises. “Best buyers” are positioned to take advantage of market opportunities as soon as they surface.
In real estate today, positioning is everything! There are many “best sellers” waiting for a “best buyer”. Buyers, by searching the real estate market data base you will quickly pick out the “best buys”. Sellers, you can determine your position on the market by searching the data base for homes competing with yours for a “best buyers” attention.
Today, like never before, positioning is everything!